© Access4U Inc.
Modular Wheelchair Ramps  are assembled from stock sections and can be customized to your home.  Modular ramps have handrails for safety and serve as a long term solution for two or more steps.
Access4U was established to provide people with affordable, easy access into and out of their homes.
3 Types of Ramps Residential Modular Ramps Residential Modular Ramps
      Access4U Access for Living
Portable Folding Ramps Portable Folding Ramps MINI and Threshold Ramps MINI and Threshold Ramps
 Portable Folding Ramps Fold for carrying, storage or convenient travel.  Sizes up to 6  feet with carrying handle. Threshold and MINI Ramps  Threshold ramp smooth the transition through a door and have no curb so door can open outwards.  MINI ramps have a curb to act as a guide.
      Access4U Access for Living
Portable Folding Ramps Fold for carrying, storage or convenient travel.  Sizes up to 6  feet with carrying handle.
Modular Wheelchair Ramps  are assembled from stock sections and can be customized to your home.  Modular ramps have handrails for safety and serve as a long term solution for two or more steps. Threshold Ramps create a smooth transition into the door. Thresholds do not have a side curb so the door can open over ramp. MINI Ramps  Usually used on one step, or in the middle of a sidewalk. MINI Ramps have a curb on each side to guide the user.
© Access4U Inc.
 Modular Modular Commercial Commercial Portable Portable MINI MINI Threshold Threshold
Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines (ADA): Allowable slope for ramps more than 6 inch rise is 1:12 (one foot or ramp per inch of elevation) Rise of any ramp run must not exceed 30 inches without intermediate landing Clear with of ramp  must be 36 inches minimum Platform must be a minimum of 60 inches in direction of travel Access4U strongly recommends ADA guidelines be included in any ramp design